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Title: Development of Ultrasonic Crack Detection System on Multi-diameter PIG Robots
Authors: Mazraeh, A.A.
Ismail, F.B.
Khaksar, W.
Sahari, K.
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: Ultrasonic Sensors have long been used for pipeline inspection. The combination of Ultrasonic and eddy current sensors provide great resolution and accuracy for crack and corrosion detection. In this study the authors have integrated multiple Ultrasonic sensors with relative software filtering techniques to develop a low cost, low maintenance system for pipeline inspection. Furthermore, the second objective is to resolve the Multi-Diameter capability with PIG robots. According to the literature reviews, many of the oil and gas pipelines are considered to be unpiggable due to their variation in diameter and size over the transportation track which this study has provided a design solution for such problems. The results for the study shows satisfactory outcome with adequate accuracy and precision in the developed Ultrasonic inspection system as well as a plenary improvement in Multi-Diameter capabilities of PIGs. © 2017 The Authors.
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