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Title: Design and fabrication of a Cartesian painter robot for the construction industry
Authors: Aris, I.B.
Parvez Iqbal, A.K.M.
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: Nowadays robots are used in many applications (in factories, mining industries, automobile industry, etc.). Currently, robots have still not been widely implemented within the construction industry, however, although robots have been designed to increase the speed and improve the accuracy of construction field operations. They can also be used to do hazardous and dangerous jobs in construction. For example, house painting is usually done manually, but could be simplified using a dedicated robot. In particular, it is difficult for a human being to work overhead, for example painting a ceiling. It can also present a danger to the eyes. To overcome these difficulties, a robotic system which is capable of painting houses and buildings is proposed and developed. This paper describes all the processes involved in developing the proposed painter robot. The project is divided into two main parts, namely hardware and software. In the hardware part the mechanical design, fabrication, electrical and electronics system are described, and in software part the control algorithm is described.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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