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dc.contributor.authorYanti, P.A.A.
dc.contributor.authorMahlia, T.M.I.
dc.description.abstractLiterature on energy efficiency standards and labels for electric motor are widely available. However, very limited articles discussed about the method to calculate life-cycle cost analysis of potential energy efficiency improvement for electric motor. This paper presents the life-cycle cost analysis of energy efficiency improvement of electric motor based on engineering/economic analysis. The least efficient model from a survey in the market was selected as a baseline model. The method includes the selection of design options that will increase efficiency and calculate its life cycle cost (LCC) analysis and payback period. LCC was calculated as a function of several design options based on potential efficiency improvement. The study found that, efficiency improvement can be achieved, if manufacturers willing to adopt more efficient design options with a little additional investment for the product. Furthermore, the method can be used for other product without major modification.
dc.titleTechnical note: Life cycle cost analysis of design options selection for energy efficiency improvement of electric motor
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
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