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dc.contributor.authorOng, H.C.
dc.contributor.authorMahlia, T.M.I.
dc.contributor.authorMasjuki, H.H.
dc.description.abstractAbundant and economical energy is the life blood of modern civilizations. Global energy consumption in 2009 is expected to slightly increase to about 11428.1 Mtoe and around 88% are from fossil fuels. Fossil fuel will become rare and a serious shortage in the near future has triggered the awareness to find alternative energy as their sustainable energy sources. Development and economic growth continue to affect the growing demand of energy consumption in Malaysia. The crucial challenge faced by power sector in Malaysia currently is the issue of sustainability. This study discusses the current energy scenario and explores the alternative energy like biomass, solar, wind and mini-hydro energy to ensure reliability and security of energy supply in this country. It is found that, total hydropower resources and potential hydropower is 29,000 MW out of which only 2,091 MW is utilized. On the other hand, Malaysia has the potential to be one of the major contributors of renewable energy in palm oil biomass and become a role model to other countries in the world that has huge biomass feedstock. As a final note, to make the fuel mix for 2020 secure and environmentally sustainable, Malaysia must strive to increase its efforts in attaining greater efficiency in energy conversion, transmission and utilization. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
dc.titleA review on energy scenario and sustainable energy in Malaysia
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication
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