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dc.contributor.authorSaidur, R.
dc.contributor.authorMahlia, T.M.I.
dc.description.abstractElectrical motors use about 30-80% of total industrial energy for some selected countries around the world. Experiences from other countries show that government intervention in the form of regulations such as mandatory and voluntary approaches can save huge amount of energy along with the reduction of emissions associated with energy savings. In this paper, use of high efficient motors to replace standard motors to save energy have been quantified and presented. Emission reductions associated with the energy savings have been estimated and presented as well. Based on estimation, it has been found that 15,111, 6507 and 4295 MWh of energy can be saved for 50, 75 and 100% motor loadings, respectively, for using high efficient motors. These savings will correspond to US 967,074, US 416,461 and US 274,892 savings for 50, 75 and 100 motor loadings, respectively, by replacing standard motors with high efficiency motors. It was also found that 7,562,070 kg of CO2, 45,266 kg of SO2, 21,326 kg of NOxand 4,599 kg of CO could be avoided by using energy efficient motors for 50% load. It was also found that payback period for implementing high efficient motors are in the range from 1.22 to 6.05, which is economically very viable for motor loadings of 50%. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.
dc.titleImpacts of energy efficiency standard on motor energy savings and emission reductions
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
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