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Title: Mathematical modeling on the effect of equivalence ratio in emission characteristics of compression ignition engine with hydrogen substitution
Authors: Adnan, R.
Masjuki, H.H.
Mahlia, T.M.I.
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The investigation presented in this paper concerns on the computational simulation of emissions characteristics in compression ignition engine with hydrogen substitution. Combustion process has been modeled based on Equilibrium Constants Method (ECM) with MATLAB program to calculate the mole fractions of 18 combustion products when hydrogen is burnt along with diesel fuel at variable equivalence ratios. It can be observed that hydrogen substitution causes significant increase in NH3, H2, atom H emissions during rich combustion and OH, NO2, HNO3 emissions during lean combustion. As the equivalence ratio increases during rich combustion, mole fractions of HCN, CH4, CO and atom C decreases with increment of hydrogen substitution. N2, atom N and CO2 emissions decrease whereas no significant changes in O2, NO, O3 and atom O emissions throughout all equivalence ratios as hydrogen is added to the combustion. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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