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dc.contributor.authorRismanchi, B.
dc.contributor.authorSaidur, R.
dc.contributor.authorMasjuki, H.H.
dc.contributor.authorMahlia, T.M.I.
dc.description.abstractIn Malaysia, air conditioning (AC) systems are considered as the major energy consumers in office buildings with almost 57% share. During the past decade, cold thermal energy storage (CTES) systems have been widely used for their significant economic benefits. However, there were always doubts about their energy saving possibilities. The main objective of the present work is to develop a computer model to determine the potential energy savings of implementing CTES systems in Malaysia. A case study building has been selected to determine the energy consumption pattern of an office building. In the first step the building baseline model was developed and validated with the recorded data from the fieldwork. Once the simulation results reach an acceptable accuracy, different CTES system configuration was added to the model to predict their energy consumption pattern. It was found that the overall energy used by the full load storage strategy is considerably more than the conventional system. However, by applying the load leveling storage strategy, and considering its benefits to reduce the air handling unit size and reducing the pumping power, the overall energy usage was almost 4% lower than the non-storage system. Although utilizing CTES systems cannot reduce the total energy consumption considerably, but it has several outstanding benefits such as cost saving, bringing balance in the grid system, reducing the overall fuel consumption in the power plants and consequently reducing to total carbon footprint. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
dc.titleModeling and simulation to determine the potential energy savings by implementing cold thermal energy storage system in office buildings
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication
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