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Title: Parallel distributed genetic algorithm development based on microcontrollers framework
Authors: Krishnan, P.S.
Kiong, T.S.
Koh, J.
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: This work is focused on the implementation of evolutionary based computer algorithms, genetic algorithms (GAs), on microcontrollers. Genetic algorithms are powerful optimizing techniques that are used successfully to solve problems in many different disciplines. One such application would be in WCDMA adaptive beam forming technique. Adaptive antenna has dynamic beam to cater for users' needs and provides better capacity for mobile communication but requires more intelligent and advance beam forming algorithm such as genetic algorithm which requires heavy computation. Microcontrollers are low resource platforms that are normally not associated with GAs, which are typically resource intensive. The focus of this project is toexpand the role of existing small scale PIC microcontrollers into a multiple-microcontrollers system to resolve limited resource issues in meeting complex project needs. This implementation will be based on parallel distributed model, which will reduce the complexity of each microcontroller to solve large complex problem and increase problem solving speed. © 2008 IEEE.
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