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Title: Avalanche multiplication and excess noise in InAs electron avalanche photodiodes at 77 K
Authors: Marshall, A.R.J.
Vines, P.
Ker, P.J.
David, J.P.R.
Tan, C.H.
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The findings of a study of impact ionization, avalanche multiplication and excess noise in InAs avalanche photodiodes at 77 K are reported. It is shown that hole impact ionization is negligible in practical devices which continue to operate as electron avalanche photodiodes, as they do at room temperature. A new electron ionization coefficient capable of modeling multiplication at 77 K is presented and it is shown that significant multiplication can be achieved in practical devices without excessive tunneling currents. The characteristic changes observed between room temperature and 77 K are discussed. This paper helps to demonstrate the potential for practical InAs electron avalanche photodiodes, operating cooled. © 2011 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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