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Title: Integrating programming with beaglebone black for undergraduate's "programming for engineers" syllabus
Authors: Radzi, N.A.M.
Ismail, A.
Karunanithi, S.
Weng, L.Y.
Jern, K.P.
Hock, G.C.
Jamaluddin, J.E.
Krishnan, P.S.
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: The continuous dependency on technology has encouraged the integration of BeagleBone Black and C programming language in Universiti Tenaga Nasional in order to produce graduates that are active in the digital shift. The integration is introduced in the "Programming for Engineers" subject for first semester undergraduate students. However, the suitability of the syllabus as well as the integration needs to be observed. In order to achieve that, nine skills are set at the beginning of the semester, in which they will be assessed to observe their understanding of these skills at the end of the subject. The study is done for three different Bachelor degree programs in two consecutive semesters and the results show that they obtained at least 80% of the skills acquired. This impressive percentage has proven the suitability of the integration between BeagleBone Black and C programming language for the first semester undergraduate students. © 2016 IEEE.
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