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Title: Investigation of oil palm harvesters' postures using RULA analysis
Authors: Deros, B.M.
Khamis, N.K.
Mohamad, D.
Kabilmiharbi, N.
Daruis, D.D.I.
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Manual workers in agricultural industry are frequently exposed to work related discomfort and pain while performing their work tasks. This leads to common health problems such as Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) which occur due to the feeling of discomfort while performing daily tasks, which in turn affect their work performance. An interview was conducted with three palm oil harvesters to gather information regarding their body part discomfort and general view on working conditions. Consequently, a video camera was used to record the postures and movements of these harvesters while performing their tasks. The Digital Human Modeling Software (DHMS) was used to analyze the postures by using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) analysis. The findings showed that the harvesters experienced body part discomfort mainly on the upper body limbs. Based on the RULA analysis, all recorded postures were unsafe hence immediate actions should be implemented to ensure safe and comfortable working conditions. The main problems were their repetitive movements, awkward postures and heavy tools used when performing the work tasks. Necessary actions should be taken to minimize work risk. © 2014 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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