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Title: Low complexity user and spatial detection by using AD8313 evaluation board
Authors: Hock, G.C.
Raymond, W.J.K.
Kiong, T.S.
Chakrabarty, C.K.
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: In this paper, a relatively low cost, simple user and spatial detection with AD8313 evaluation board is described. 16-element linear array antennas are designed in order to operate at frequency of 457 MHz for the rural communication network. A testing-bed with simple arrangement is setup in order to validate the proposed method. The array antennas are used as radar and enclosed a wide scanning angle of 120 degree via a mechanical motor. And, the AD8313 evaluation board is use to convert the radio frequency signal to a direct current output. The outputs of the board are measured with an oscilloscope. © 2011 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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