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Title: Development of a simple in situ instrumentation for detection of breath alcohol and gas leak
Authors: Wagiran, R.
Chong, A.G.E.
Ahmad, I.
Salleh, A.B.
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: The objective of this project is to develop a multiple-detector-system which consists of two systems that are toxic gas detector system and breath alcohol detector. A microcontroller of PIC 16F84, a gas sensor (TGS822), an analog to digital (A/D) TLC 549, and LCD alphanumeric display were used. Both systems are mounted on the same PCB board, a DPDT switch is used for the purpose for switching systems either switch from toxic gas detector system to breath alcohol detector system and vice versa. The systems were tested using butane gas from cigarette's lighter as well as from human's breath and it worked satisfactory. © 2002 IEEE.
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