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Title: Temperature & zincation process effect on electrical resistivity of aluminum bond pad for under Bump Metallurgy (UBM)
Authors: Kornain, Z.
Ahmad, I.
Omar, G.
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: The effect of temperature change to electrical resistivity of Aluminum bond pad (Al pad) on die surface of Under Bump Metallurgy (UBM) were discussed in this paper. Four categories of samples were involved in measurement; a sample without UBM and the samples with single, double and triple zincation process. The measurement of current-voltage curve of each sample was obtained by using special instrument so called RF probe and Metric ICS Software. The calculation of resistance and it pattern in the graph form was obtained by using Microsoft Office Excel. The temperature of sample was determined by using hot plate. Result from the graph has shown that the resistance of sample with UBM was less than resistance of the sample without UBM. It also has shown that the more zincation process steps the less value of resistance was attained. In other graph, the pattern has shown that value of resistance was increased when the temperature was raised up. As conclusion, the lower resistance due to zincation process and low temperature was produced better electrical performance especially the speed of operation and good thermal dissipation. © 2004 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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