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Title: A model of norms decay by agents' actions: Norms disappearance and norms collapse
Authors: Hammoud, M.
Tang, A.Y.C.
Ahmad, A.
Keywords: Multi agent systems
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: In open normative multi-Agent systems, norms are created dynamically. Some of these norms emerge and persist due to their benefits and strength. While other norms emerge for a short period of time, then vanish due to several reasons that lead to loss in their benefit or strength. Each norm of the created ones might have positive, negative, or neutral consequences on the system. Norms decay by society's agents actions refers to the case in which a norm is not practiced or adopted by any of the society's agents, and eventually deleted and forgotten. In this paper, we analyze the concept of norms decay by society's agents. The results of analysis are used to propose two models which are: Norms disappearance and norms collapse. Each model is explained and illustrated in a case study. © 2015 IEEE.
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