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dc.contributor.authorHong, S.G.K.en_US
dc.contributor.authorAhmad, A.en_US
dc.description.abstractTask is defined as a set of actions in order to achieve a specific goal. The process of finishing all given tasks can be done either polychronically or monochronically. In polychronic nature, tasks are completed simultaneously while in monochromic nature; tasks are completed one at a time through a prioritization process. The monochronic nature of carry out task applies very well to all the current robotic appliances such as robotic vacuum cleaners. However, this can present a potential problem especially when the appliance needs to choose between two tasks that have same level of priority. If the appliance choose the wrong task to carry out first, it will cause a huge impact on its efficiency in carry out all given tasks. In this paper, we propose a task prioritization concept using mandatory task as a method of classification. A mandatory task is known as an important and urgent task that needs to be completed first before finishing other tasks. We discuss software agent technology in task prioritization process because software agent has the capabilities to simulate human behavioural similar to the artificial intelligence functionality of a robotic appliance. © 2016 IEEE.en_US
dc.subjectMulti agent systemsen_US
dc.titleAn explanatory review of mandatory tasken_US
dc.typeConference Paperen_US
dc.relation.conference2nd International Symposium on Agent, Multi-Agent Systems and Robotics, ISAMSR 2016 6 January 2017, Article number 7810002, Pages 51-56en_US
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
item.openairetypeConference Paper-
Appears in Collections:CCI Scholarly Publication
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