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Title: Integrating Transactive Energy into Reliability Evaluation for a Self-Healing Distribution System with Microgrid
Authors: Dong J.
Zhu L.
Dong Q.
Kritprajun P.
Liu Y.
Tolbert L.M
Hambrick J.C.
Xue Y.S.
Ollis T.B.
Bhattarai B.P.
Schneider K.P.
Laval S.
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Non-utility owned distributed energy resources (DERs) are mostly untapped currently, but they can provide many grid services such as voltage regulation and service restoration, if properly controlled, and can improve the distribution system's reliability when coordinated with utility-owned assets such as self-healing control and microgrids. This paper integrates transactive energy control into the distribution system reliability evaluation to quantitatively assess the impact of non-utility owned DERs on reliability improvement. A transactive reactive power control strategy is designed to incentivize the DERs to provide reactive power support for improving voltage profiles thus enabling additional customer load restoration during an outage. Also, an operational sequence to coordinate the non-utility owned DERs with the utility owned self-healing control and utility owned microgrids is designed and integrated into the service restoration process with the operational constraints guaranteed by checking the three-phase unbalanced power flow for post-fault network reconfiguration. The reliability indices are then calculated through a Monte Carlo simulation. The transactive reactive power control strategy is tested on a four-feeder distribution system operated by Duke Energy in the U.S. Results demonstrate that the non-utility owned DERs with the transactive control improve the reliability of both the system and critical loads by more than 30%. © 2010-2012 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:UNITEN Energy Collection

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