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Title: Web based-decision support system to diagnose hepatitis disease using SAW method
Authors: Ayshwarya B.
Soim A.
Nguyen P.T.
Shankar K.
Hashim W.
Abadi S.
Maseleno A.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: Hepatitis is a disease caused by some types of viruses that attack and cause inflammation and damage to human liver organ cells. Liver is a very important organ of the human body that has a function as a sieve over any entry of harmful particles entering into a person’s body. A person when suffering from the disease is no longer have other part of his body that can resist harmful particles or toxins into the body so that it can pose a risk of death. The quick and precise information needs of a health expert or a specialist in disease are indispensable, the treatment of Hepatitis health solution will be very helpful especially in the process of diagnosing, determining the type of hepatitis and therapies are needed. In the application of web-based technology there are several rules that are often used, one of which is the method of SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) is the calculation of the certainty level to the conclusions obtained based on the value of Probability of illness due to obviously/symptoms. The web system to be made is expected to help someone in diagnosing and determining the hepatitis suffered based on the physical symptoms. © Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication.
Appears in Collections:UNITEN Ebook and Article

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