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Title: Investigating the impact of deposition power on pvd growth ws2 for solar cell application
Authors: Sobayel K.
Nurhafiza K.
Akhtaruzzaman M.
Ayob A.
Amin N.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) was used to grow ultra-thin tungsten di sulfide (WS2) layers on top of soda lime glass substrates. Deposition power of radio frequency magnetron sputtering was varied (50W, 100 W, 150 W,200 W and 250 W) to study its impact on film characteristics for suitable application in solar cell. Structural, morphological and opto-electrical properties of as grown film were analyzed. Optimized monocrystalline ultra-thin WS2 films of enhance crystallite (690 nm thick) were successfully hoarded with RF power of 150 W under 100°C temperature. © 2019 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:UNITEN Ebook and Article

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