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Title: Investigation on different compositions of flyash concrete on gamma and neutron radiation
Authors: Ramli R.
Mohamad Idris F.
Yapandi M.F.K.M.
Saad J.
Akmal Biyamin S.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: Fly ash is a solid waste from a coal combustion product and about 43% is recycled. Fly ash is often used as a replacement of partial replacement for Portland cement in concrete production. Concrete has been widely used as radiation materials due to its lower cost. Five samples of fly ash concrete mixture were prepared and investigated by using small angle scattering (SAN) for neutron irradiation and gamma radiation test for gamma irradiation. It was found that 20% of fly ash concrete mixture absorbed more neutron radiation whereas 40% of flyash concrete mixture absorbed more gamma radiation. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Appears in Collections:UNITEN Ebook and Article

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