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Title: Integration of renewable energy sources and their power management strategies – A review
Authors: Vijayapriya P.
Kowsalya M.
Thamilmaran A.
Palanisamy K.
Ramachandaramurthy V.K.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: --Fossil fuels were the main source of energy until a few decades ago. With the increasing need for energy and continuous exploitation of fossil fuels, the exploration of alternative energy sources has increased enormously. Over the last decade, the hybrid renewable energy sources (HRES) that consist of two or even more energy sources have become a promising alternative to meet the load demand, especially in remote areas. The modeling and integration of these HRES to grid and power management is complex although they are incorporated in a small scale around the world. Hence, this paper reviews the modeling of individual components of the HRES main solar PV, the wind, fuel cell (FC), hydro, micro turbines, and biogas along with back up sources such as ultracapacitors and power converting equipment. Other than that, the paper also reviews various grid connected power management techniques and standalone hybrid system, which will greatly help researchers, utility energy planners, and policy makers to focus on developing and implementing this renowned technology. © 2019, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.. All rights reserved.
Appears in Collections:UNITEN Ebook and Article

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