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dc.contributor.authorKencana U.en_US
dc.contributor.authorHuda M.en_US
dc.contributor.authorMaseleno A.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe practice of waqf law in Islam has grown and developed in society. Endowments exist because people do it. In Malay society in Palembang, waqf has legally become a source. The purpose of waqf legally is to provide benefits (benefits) for the community in a sustainable manner. The findings in the field show that the practice of waqf has existed and exists in the life of the Palembang Darussalam Malay community. The practice of written waqf was done at that time. Endowments since the end of the 18th century AD and / or the beginning of the 19th century AD, have been carried out by charismatic scholars, who were rescued by the people of Palembang, namely Masagus Haji Abdul Hamid bin Mahmud bin Kanang, known as Kiai Marogan. The main data of research about waqf Masagus Haji Abdul Hamid bin Mahmud is not yet known to the general public, especially productive waqf in Mecca (waqf imarah / hotel). In contrast to the reality on the ground today in Palembang, the practice of written legal waqf does not have a written legal waqf agreement. Research conducted descriptively to explain the history of Islam's first entry into Palembang was related to the practice of waqf in Palembang at that time as part of the tradition of Malay Civilization in the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam. Exploratory research, because there is no information and explanations from the first source. Data obtained from the family as a primary source of law, and information about the history of the entry of Islam in Palembang is still very minimal or rare. Data analysis is described qualitatively, to analyze the history of the first entry of Islam in Palembang related to the practice of waqf was first carried out by the people of Palembang as a tradition of Islamic civilization withered Palembang Darussalam. The data obtained, during the kingdom of Palembang Darussalam legally written practice of waqf was carried out by the great Ulema of Palembang, namely Masagus Abdul Hamid bin Mahmud bin Kanang. Contrary to the present situation, it is found that most of the assets of religious waqf are not legally written, only done verbally, making them vulnerable to issues regarding the status of waqf objects. The originality and main findings of this study regarding the waqf of Masagus Abdul Hamid ibm Mahmud bin Kanang (Kiai Marogan) who have carried out shari'a are well-represented and administered, namely the Deed of Pledge of "Nazar Munjaz Wakaf Lillahitta'ala Number 14 on Sunday 6 Syawal 1310 H and the waqf (lodging) of the Emirate in Mecca in the form of "Wakaf Munjaz Sheikh Masagus Haji Abdul Hamid bin Mahmud al-Falembani al-Jawi (Kiai Muara Ogan), 5 Final Jumadil 1313 Hijri. Pledge of endowment in front of the State Pajabat, and there is no endowment dispute between his descendants and the local community. It was concluded, the practice of waqf had existed in Palembang City for a long time. Masagus Waqf Abdul Hamid bin Mahmud bin Kanang is a historical proof, that waqf as a tradition has become part of the Islamic civilization of the people in Palembang City. Palembang as one of the regions based on Islamic Malay culture, the people have legally written representation. The Waqf is a proof of the history of waqf law in Palembang Darussalam Malay Islamic civilization. © 2019 Mattingley Publishing. All rights reserved.en_US
dc.titleWaqf administration in historical perspective: Evidence from Indonesiaen_US
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