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Title: Effect of Laminate Properties on the Failure of Cross Arm Structure under Multi-Axial Load
Authors: Mohamad D.
Syamsir A.
Beddu S.
Kamal N.L.M.
Zainoodin M.M.
Razali M.F.
Abas A.
Seman S.A.H.A.
Ng F.C.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: This study investigated the influence of laminate properties toward the collapse of composite cross arm structure under multi-axial quasi-static loading. A three-dimensional finite-element model of a cross arm was developed and integrated with Hashin's failure subroutine to predict the inter-laminar damages of the composite upon its application. The mechanical deformation and failure of the composite structure were evaluated over three laminate properties. This investigation revealed that variation in laminates properties yielded different structural deflection and laminate damages. The cross arm with a greater young modulus and ultimate stresses (laminate B) experienced a single failure mode of fiber buckling in compression at deflection of 0.082 m. For the given multi-axial load, the laminate configuration and properties considered in this study failed to prevent the failure of the cross arm. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
Appears in Collections:UNITEN Ebook and Article

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