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Title: Recoverability rate of waste cooking oil (WCO) from restaurants/café and hotels based on WCO sampling and field data assessments
Authors: Razali N.M.
Abdullah T.A.R.T.
Ibrahim W.A.
Nassri M.N.M.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: A total of 203 restaurants/café and 69 hotels have been assessed to acquire data on cooking oil (CO) consumption, recoverable waste cooking oil (WCO), presence of seasonal trending and other information pertaining to the prevailing practice of WCO management in Malaysia. The assessment has been successfully done by implementation of comprehensive Data Collection and Survey Activities (DCSA) with facilitation from the respective local authorities. The DCSA mainly focused on WCO sampling on monthly basis for a total period of 12 months (seasonal data) and 1 month (non-seasonal data) and filling of survey information related to CO usage, WCO management practice and assessment on awareness about WCO management among the operators of restaurants/café and hotels. For seasonal data, 20 premises from each category around the states of Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Malacca and Johor Bahru have volunteered to undergo this assessment and on the other hand, 400 premises from major cities in Peninsular Malaysia involved in acquiring similar data and information for a period of 1 month. Based on the results of DCSA, information pertaining to total recoverable WCO and the WCO recoverability rate from restaurants/café and hotels have been acquired. © 2019 Journal of Global Pharma Technology. All rights reserved.
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