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Title: Application of backend and frontend systems on go-baby application in Bandung City
Authors: Fenny Syafariani R.
Sitanggang A.S.
Maseleno A.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: The purpose of this research is that researchers build basic applications in solving problems that occur in housewives and career women, namely GO-BABY Application that provides facilities to find a place in caring for children, and can provide security, education, health and comfort for a child. Applications are built from 2 parts, namely the first part in the society side such as housewives / career women and the second part is the side of the provider of child care services. The application that is built will integrated between applications that are applied in the society and service providers through an Android-based application and web based application. The results of this study will have a direct impact on both housewives/career women, in providing child care solutions that can be trusted while for child care services provider, provide convenience in the administration of child care services. Based on the function of the application, there are 2 parts that are given, namely to providers of child care services by providing an easy function of administrative data processing, including registration of child care services through online or offline, providing ease in processing data on children's facilities, ease of payment report on income of child care services. Whereas for the community is the ease in the process of online registration and booking of child care services quickly and reliably. © BEIESP.
Appears in Collections:UNITEN Ebook and Article

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