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Title: Physical health, emotional exhaustion and perceived financial wellbeing: An exploration of Malaysian gen Y employee
Authors: Kamaruzaman M.S.
Jaaffar A.H.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: Generation Y workers are important asset for Malaysia and other country. As the level of bankruptcy among Gen Y workers are alarming, this study try to focus on whether their emotional exhaustion and physical health influence their perceived financial wellbeing. Survey was carried out using online questionnaire to Gen Y workers in services sectors including hotel industry, financial services, and tourism sectors. Out of 285 questionnaires distributed, 200 questionnaires were returned. Results shows that Gen Y workers’ emotional exhaustion have a negative significant effect on perceived financial wellbeing while the result for Gen Y physical health is otherwise. Theoretically this study contributes to the literatures of Gen Y financial wellbeing by identifying whether emotional exhaustion and physical health have an influence to their financial wellbeing. Practically this result contributes to decision makers to design policy that can mitigate the emotional exhaustion among Gen Y workers in Malaysia. © 2019 Mattingley Publishing. All rights reserved.
Appears in Collections:UNITEN Ebook and Article

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