Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 71
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | Undergraduates selection towards islamic banking in dual banking environment: An empirical study | Kadir, M.R.A. ; Surbaini, K.N. ; Ramli, J.A. |
2017 | Government initiatives towards indigenous economic development: Measuring indigenous feedbacks and assessing economic benefits received | Mohamad, M. ; Jamaludin, H. ; Zawawi, Z.A. ; Surbaini, K.N. |
2014 | Ownership structure and directors’ compensation disclosure in Malaysia | Esa, E.B. ; Zahari, A.R. |
2016 | Do board educational background, occupational background and ownership structure matter for directors' remuneration disclosure? Some Malaysian evidence | Esa, E. ; Zahari, A.R. |
2016 | The drivers to adopt renewable energy among residential users. | Abdul Rahman, Z. ; Elinda, E. |
2013 | Measuring the quality of sustainability disclosure among the Malaysian commercial banks | Harun, N.A. ; Rashid, A.A. ; Alrazi, B. |
2015 | A comprehensive literature review on, and the construction of a framework for, environmental legitimacy, accountability and proactivity | Alrazi, B. ; De Villiers, C. ; Van Staden, C.J. |
2016 | Energy Reporting Practices among Top Energy Intensive Industries in Malaysia | Tasrip, N.E. ; Husin, N.M. ; Alrazi, B. |
2016 | The environmental disclosures of the electricity generation industry: a global perspective | Alrazi, B. ; de Villiers, C. ; Van Staden, C.J. |
2017 | Environmental, social and governance and the efficiency of government-linked companies in Malaysia | Kweh, Q.L. ; Alrazi, B. ; Chan, Y.C. ; Abdullah, W.M.T.W. ; Lee, R.M.A. |
2014 | Towards a model-based framework for integrating usability evaluation techniques in agile software model | Butt, S.M. ; Onn, A. ; Butt, M.M. ; Tabassam, N. |
2016 | Using mobile technology to improve nutritional information of diabetic patient’s | Butt, S.M. ; FelixNavarro, K. ; Shorab, M. ; Onn, A. |
2015 | Incorporation of usability evaluation methods in agile software model | Butt, S.M. ; Onn, A. ; Butt, M.M. ; Inam, N.T. |
2014 | Religious leader (Islam & Christianity) understanding of inter-faith dialogue basic concept in Malaysia and its effect to social relations | Karim, K.M. ; Khambali, K.M. ; Saili, S.A. |
2016 | Religious Leader: Model agent for inter-faith dialogue implementation in Malaysia | Karim, K.M. ; Saili, S.A. ; Khambali, K.M. |
2015 | Optimal profit sharing contract and principal-agent value in islamic bank | Sapuan, N.M. ; Sanusi, N.A. ; Ismail, A.G. ; Wibowo, A. |
2013 | Cointegration analysis of social services expenditure and human capital development in Malaysia: A bound testing approach | Sapuan, N.M. ; Sanusi, N.A. |
2012 | Expectation-perception gap in Private Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia | Daud, S. ; Sapuan, N.M. |
2016 | Social learning and principal-agent problems in profit sharing contract | Sapuan, N.M. ; Sanusi, N.A. ; Ismail, A.G. ; Wibowo, A. |
2014 | Turnover intention among academics: A case study of private higher learning education in Klang Valley | Ramli, A.A. ; Salahudin, S.N. ; Zainol, Z. ; Suandi, T. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 71