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Title: Feasibility study of renewable energy using levelized cost energy
Authors: Azhar N.A.H.M.
Hock G.C.
Shaari S.A.
Yunus B.
Kiong T.S.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: Pulau Tioman used diesel to supply electricity to all residents. So, TNB comes out with a solution by implementing the renewable energy such as hydro and solar PV to supply electricity by replaced the usage of diesel. For this case study will be comparing the Levelized cost of using RE energy projects which used mini hydropower plant in Sungai Mentawak and solar PV for TNB Buildings with the existing diesel generators based on their expected energy (MWh/year) and expected savings (RM/year) and do some research on the cost of mini hydro power plant and solar for future expansion. Also, need to prove the calculation of LCOE using Microsoft EXCEL. The objectives of implement this renewable power plant were expected to reduce their operation cost and to increase penetration of renewable energy also introduce Smart Micro-Grid for long term sustainability. © 2019 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:UNITEN Ebook and Article

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