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Title: Network loss reduction and voltage improvement by optimal placement and sizing of distributed generators with active and reactive power injection using fine-tuned pso
Authors: Karunarathne E.
Pasupuleti J.
Ekanayake J.
Almeida D.
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Minimization of real power loss and improvement of voltage authenticity of the network are amongst the key issues confronting power systems owing to the heavy demand development problem, contingency of transmission and distribution lines and the financial costs. The distributed generators (DG) has become one of the strongest mitigating strategies for the network power loss and to optimize voltage reliability over integration of capacitor banks and network reconfiguration. This paper introduces an approach for the optimizing the placement and sizes of different types of DGs in radial distribution systems using a fine-tuned particle swarm optimization (PSO). The suggested approach is evaluated on IEEE 33, IEEE 69 and a real network in Malaysian context. Simulation results demonstrate the productiveness of active and reactive power injection into the electric power system and the comparison depicts that the suggested fine-tuned PSO methodology could accomplish a significant reduction in network power loss than the other research works. © 2021 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.
Appears in Collections:UNITEN Ebook and Article

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