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Title: Supervised evolutionary programming based technique for multi-DG installation in distribution system
Authors: Shaari M.F.
Musirin I.
Nazer M.F.M.
Jelani S.
Jamaludin F.A.
Mansor M.H.
Kumar A.V
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Installing DG in network system, has supported the distribution system to provide the increasing number of consumer demand and load, in order to achieve that this paper presents an efficient and fast converging optimization technique based on a modification of traditional evolutionary programming method for obtain the finest optimal location and power loss in distribution systems. The proposed algorithm that is supervised evolutionary programming is implemented in MATLAB and apply on the 69-bus feeder system in order to minimize the system power loss and obtaining the best optimal location of the distributed generators. © 2020, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.
Appears in Collections:UNITEN Ebook and Article

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