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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 937
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022A dynamic interactive optimization model of CCHP system involving demand-side and supply-side impacts of climate change. Part I: Methodology developmentWang X.; Xu Y.; Fu Z.; Guo J.; Bao Z.; Li W.; Zhu Y.
2022Techno-economic-environmental impacts of industrial energy assessment: Sustainable industrial motor systems of small and medium-sized enterprisesErrigo A.; Choi J.-K.; Kissock K.
2022Utilizing commercial heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems to provide grid services: A reviewFu Y.; O'Neill Z.; Wen J.; Pertzborn A.; Bushby S.T.
2022Pricing climate-related risks of energy investmentsIn S.Y.; Weyant J.P.; Manav B.
2022Evolving from a hydrocarbon-based to a sustainable economy: Starting with a case study for IranSlocum A.H.; Gessel D.J.
2022Production capacity assessment and carbon reduction of industrial processes based on novel radial basis function integrating multi-dimensional scalingWu H.; Han Y.; Geng Z.; Fan J.,; Xu W.
2022Managing the techno-economic impacts of partial string failure in multistring energy storage systemsHanif S.; Alam M.J.E.; Fotedar V.; Crawford A.; Vartanian C.; Viswanathan V.
2022Enhancing policy realism in energy system optimization models: Politically feasible decarbonization pathways for the United StatesZhu Q.; Leibowicz B.D.; Busby J.W.; Shidore S.; Adelman D.E.; Olmstead S.M.
2022Integrated hydrological, power system and economic modelling of climate impacts on electricity demand and costWebster M.; Fisher-Vanden K.; Kumar V.; Lammers R.B.; Perla J.
2022Gas switching technology: Economic attractiveness for chemical looping applications and scale up experience to 50 kWthUgwu A.; Arnaiz del Pozo C.; Zaabout A.; Nazir S.M.; Kalendar N.U.; Cloete S.; Szima S.; Fogarasi S.; Donat F.; van Diest G.; Cloete J.H.; Jiménez Álvaro Á.; Albertsen K.; Cormos A.-M.; Cormos C.-C.; Amini S.
2022Economic feasibility of in-motion wireless power transfer in a high-density traffic corridorTrinko D.; Horesh N.; Zane R.; Song Z.; Kamineni A.; Konstantinou T.; Gkritza K.; Quinn C.; Bradley T.H.; Quinn J.C
2022Natural Gas Scarcity Risk for Countries along the Belt and RoadDu R.; Wu Q.; Dong G.; Tian L.; Vilela A.L.M.; Zhao L.; Zheng X.
2022Plausible 2005-2050 emissions scenarios project between 2 °c and 3 °c of warming by 2100Pielke Jr R.; Burgess M.G.; Ritchie J.
2022Exploring the design space of PV-plus-battery system configurations under evolving grid conditionsSchleifer A.H.; Murphy C.A.; Cole W.J.; Denholm P.
2022A strengthened relationship between electricity and economic growth in China: An empirical study with a structural equation modelXu G.; Yang H.; Schwarz P.
2022A locational marginal price for frequency balancing operations in regulation marketsBrooks A.E.; Lesieutre B.C.
2022Sustainable and carbon-neutral green diesel synthesis with thermochemical and electrochemical approach: Techno-economic and environmental assessmentsChoe C.; Lee B.,; Lim H.
2022Desalination process design assisted by osmotic power for high water recovery and low energy consumptionTouati K.; Dudchenko A.V.; Mauter M.S.; Rahaman M.S.
2022Energy management for data centre microgrids considering co-optimisation of workloads and waste heatTian M. ; Zhang H. ; Wu H. 
2022An Incentive Compatible Iterative Mechanism for Coupling Electricity MarketsGarcia A.; Khatami R.; Eksin C.,; Sezer F.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 937