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Title: Modified (2/1-k) output gain Ćuk DC-to-DC converter circuit for renewable power applications
Authors: Ozsoy, E.
Padmanaban, S.
Oluwafemi, A.W.
Ramachandaramurthy, V.K.
Sutikno, T.
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Renewable energy applications have become a focal point of most researches in recent years to achieve an eco-friendly atmosphere and mitigate the dangers posed by global warming and climate changes. A modified high gain DC-to-DC Ćuk converter using voltage lift technique is Prasented in this paper. The converter generates an amplified version of the input voltage through the inclusion of a switched capacitor topology. In perspective view, the resultant modified Ćuk circuit generates a voltage conversion ratio of twenty at duty ratio of 0.9 by using 3 inductors, 5 capacitors and 4 diodes. A detailed analytical analysis is validated by simulations conducted in Matlab/Simulink. © 2018 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:CCI Scholarly Publication

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