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Title: Construction and evaluation of a user interface acceptance questionnaire
Authors: Baharum, A.
Ismail, R.
Daruis, D.D.I.
Fabeil, N.F.
Bahar, I.A.A.
Omar, M.
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: This study develops a questionnaire used to measure user acceptance of web user interface (UI), particularly web object locations. It explored ASEAN users’ expectations based on constructs in Expectation-Confirmation Theory (ECT). Eight constructs were investigated further, namely expectation (E), perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU), perceived performance (PP), confirmation (C), satisfaction (S), continuance intention (CI), and interface quality (IQ). A total of 160 respondents from the ASEAN community were surveyed for their acceptance of web-based prototype. An exploratory factor analysis that demonstrate satisfactory reliable and valid scales of the model constructs has been identified. Results show that model contained eight constructs with 21 items could be used to guide and assess the UI design. This study also suggest further analysis to confirm the model as a valuable tool to evaluate the user acceptance towards informational website. It is hoped that, the outcome from this study could be utilized in developing a sustainable web design, particularly in user-centred website which is based on user expectation for web object locations. © 2005 – on going JATIT & LLS.
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