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Title: Proposed proactive digital forensic approach for cloud computing environment
Authors: Samy, G.N.
Maarop, N.
Wong, D.H.
Rahim, F.A.
Hassan, N.H.
Perumal, S.
Magalingam, P.
Albakri, S.H.
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: There are many challenges for the digital forensic process in the cloud computing due to the distinguished features of the cloud computing environment. Many of well-known digital forensic methods and tools are not suitable for cloud computing environment. The multitenancy, multistakeholder, Internet-based, dynamics expendability, and massive data, logs and datasets are examples of the cloud computing environment features that make conducting digital forensics in the cloud computing environment a very difficult task. Therefore, there is a need to develop an appropriate digital forensic approach for cloud computing environment. Thus, this paper proposed a proactive digital forensic approach for cloud computing environment. © 2018 Authors.
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