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Title: A novel switched inductor configuration for modified SEPIC DC-to-DC converter for renewable energy application
Authors: Maroti, P.K.
Padmanaban, S.
Blaabjerg, F.
Fedák, V.
Siano, P.
Ramachandaramurthy, V.K.
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: The proposed work is on the Modified SEPIC Converter (MSC) and its different configuration with switched inductor structure (SI). In this paper, five different configuration of modified SEPIC Converter namely-Modified SEPIC converter without switched inductor configuration (MSC-LLL), Modified SEPIC Converter with XLL switched inductor configuration (MSC-XLL), Modified SEPIC Converter with LYL switched inductor configuration (MSC-LYL), Modified SEPIC Converter with LLZ switched inductor configuration (MSC-LLZ), Modified SEPIC Converter with XYZ switched inductor configuration (MSC-XYZ) is represented with their mathematical analysis and comparison is done on the basis of the voltage gain and the components count. The advantage of the MSC configurations is a high voltage gain ratio with a single control device and a few passive components. The feasibility of five different configurations of MSC is achieved on the basis of Matlab Simulink. The five different configurations are simulated for 250 W and 50 KHz switching frequency. © 2017 IEEE.
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