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Title: A novel 2L-Y DC-DC converter topologies for high conversion ratio renewable application
Authors: Maroti, P.K.
Padmanaban, S.
Bhaskar, M.S.
Blaabjerg, F.
Ramachandaramurthy, V.K.
Siano, P.
Fedak, V.
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: The projected 2L-Y DC-DC Converter topologies are new members of the XY converter family. The 2L-Y converter is a combination of two single stage converters consisting, one is 2L converter and another is Y converter. Based on the configuration of Y converter four new topologies called a 2L-LVD converter, 2L-2LVD converter, 2L-2LCVD converter and 2L-2LCmVD converter are derived, discussed and analyzed in this paper. Due to higher conversion ratio capability of the proposed 2L-Y converter, it provides a workable solution for photovoltaic and electrical drive applications. The striking features of 2L-Y converter topologies are only one controlled device, negative output, Transformer-less topology, compact structure and having a minimum internal resistance. The proposed 2L-Y converters are simulated into MATLAB and simulation results are confirmed the theoretical analysis. © 2017 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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