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Title: Preliminary analysis on the water quality index (WQI) of irradiated basic filter elements
Authors: Abu Bakar, A.A.
Pauzi, A.M.
Mohamed, A.A.
Sharifuddin, S.S.
Idris, F.M.
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Simple water filtration system is needed in times of extreme floods. Clean water for sanitation at evacuation centres is essential and its production is possible by using the famous simple filtration system consisting of empty bottle and filter elements (sands, gravels, cotton/coffee filter). This research intends to study the effects of irradiated filter elements on the filtration effectiveness through experiments. The filter elements will be irradiated with gamma and neutron radiation using the facilities available at Malaysia Nuclear Agency. The filtration effectiveness is measured using the water quality index (WQI) that is developed in this study to reflect the quality of filtered water. The WQI of the filtered water using the system with irradiated filter elements is then compared with that of the system with non-irradiated filter elements. This preliminary analysis only focus on filtration element of silica sand. Results shows very nominal variation in in WQI after filtered by non-irradiated, gamma and neutron filter element (silica sand), where the hypothesis could not be affirmed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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