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Title: Preserving Author Editing History Using Blockchain Technology
Authors: Pozi, M.S.M.
Muruti, G.
Bakar, A.A.
Jatowt, A.
Kawai, Y.
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Authorship contribution is often taken for granted. Internally, the contribution rate is usually known among all the authors of a given paper. However, this rate is hard to be verified by external parties, as the measurement of the authors' contribution is still not common and the way to measure it is unclear. In this paper, we propose a new blockchain based framework to assess the contribution of all authors of any scientific paper. Our framework can be implemented by anyone who is directly or indirectly involved in the publication of the paper, such as a principal researcher, grant funder, research assistant or anyone from relevant external bodies. © 2018 ACM.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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