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dc.contributor.authorDaud, S.-
dc.description.abstractTotal quality management and knowledge management have a great influence on a company's strategic competence. Companies need a total quality management practice that views knowledge as a potential source of competitive advantage. Total quality management and knowledge management are both work processes and complement each other. This study examines a combination of total quality management and knowledge management processes and their influence on organizational business results. Survey questionnaires were distributed to managers of government-linked companies. Analysis showed that knowledge management processes help to enhance the total quality management's critical factors to improve organizational business results. The findings show that a combination of total quality management and knowledge management processes create a cycle of improvement and development that leads to company excellence. © 2012 IEEE.-
dc.titleDo knowledge management processes mediate the relationship between TQM factors and organizational business results?-
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
Appears in Collections:COBA Scholarly Publication
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