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Lipu, M.S.H.
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Results 1-6 of 7 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12018Artificial Intelligent Based Damping Controller Optimization for the Multi-Machine Power System: A ReviewHannan, M.A. ; Islam, N.N. ; Mohamed, A. ; Lipu, M.S.H. ; Ker, P.J. ; Rashid, M.M. ; Shareef, H. 
22018Neural network approach for estimating state of charge of lithium-ion battery using backtracking search algorithmHannan, M.A. ; Lipu, M.S.H. ; Hussain, A. ; Saad, M.H. ; Ayob, A. 
32018Optimal neural network approach for estimating state of energy of lithium-ion battery using heuristic optimization techniquesLipu, M.S.H. ; Hussain, A. ; Saad, M.H.M. ; Hannan, M.A. 
42018A review of state of health and remaining useful life estimation methods for lithium-ion battery in electric vehicles: Challenges and recommendationsLipu, M.S.H. ; Hannan, M.A. ; Hussain, A. ; Hoque, M.M. ; Ker, P.J. ; Saad, M.H.M. ; Ayob, A. 
52018State of Charge Estimation for Lithium-Ion Battery Using Recurrent NARX Neural Network Model Based Lighting Search AlgorithmLipu, M.S.H. ; Hannan, M.A. ; Hussain, A. ; Saad, M.H.M. ; Ayob, A. ; Blaabjerg, F. 
62018Switching techniques and intelligent controllers for induction motor drive: Issues and recommendationsHannan, M.A. ; Ali, J.A. ; Ker, P.J. ; Mohamed, A. ; Lipu, M.S.H. ; Hussain, A.