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Abas, M.R.B.
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Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.031 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12013Reply to Comments by Adam and Schaeffer on "Ozonation of triterpenoids: Implications for early diagenesis of biomarkers in oxic environments" by Tay et al. (2013)Tay, K.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Abas, M.R.B. ; Simoneit, B.R.T. 
22013Ozonation of triterpenoids: Implications for early diagenesis of biomarkers in oxic environmentsTay, K.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Abas, M.R.B. ; Simoneit, B.R.T. 
32010Ozonation of parabens in aqueous solution: Kinetics and mechanism of degradationTay, K.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Abas, M.R.B. 
42013Ozonation of metoprolol in aqueous solution: Ozonation by-products and mechanisms of degradationTay, K.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Abas, M.R.B. 
52010Ozonation of a mixture of dialkylphthalates in aqueous solutionTay, K.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Abas, M.R.B. 
62004Organic composition of aerosol particulate matter during a haze episode in Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaAbas, M.R.B. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Omar, N.Y.M.J. ; Maah, M.J. ; Samah, A.A. ; Oros, D.R. ; Otto, A. ; Simoneit, B.R.T. 
72007Levels and distributions of organic source tracers in air and roadside dust particles of Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaOmar, N.Y.M.J. ; Abas, M.R.B. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Tahir, N.Mohd. ; Rushdi, A.I. ; Simoneit, B.R.T. 
82006Identification and emission factors of molecular tracers in organic aerosols from biomass burning: Part 3. GrassesOros, D.R. ; Abas, M.R.b. ; Omar, N.Y.M.J. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Simoneit, B.R.T. 
92011Fenton degradation of dialkylphthalates: Products and mechanismTay, K.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Abas, M.R.B. 
102006Distributions and health risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in atmospheric aerosols of Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaOmar, N.Y.M.J. ; Mon, T.C. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Abas, M.R.B. 
112012Degradation of bisphenol A by ozonation: Rate constants, influence of inorganic anions, and by-productsTay, K.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Abas, M.R.B. 
122011Characterization of atenolol transformation products in ozonation by using rapid resolution high-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometryTay, K.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Abas, M.R.B.