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Yusuf, F.
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Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12014Sintering properties of zirconia-based ceramic compositeKelvin Chew, W.J. ; Ramesh, S. ; Wong, Y.H. ; Misran, H. ; Yusuf, F. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Amiriyan, M. ; Tolouei, R. ; Teng, W.D. 
22014Effect of sintering holding time on lowtemperature degradation of yttria stabilized zirconia ceramicsSutharsini, U. ; Ramesh, S. ; Wong, Y.H. ; Misran, H. ; Yusuf, F. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Purbolaksono, J. ; Teng, W.D.