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Leong, Y.W.
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Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12018Effect of spraying parameters on the morphology of spraycoated active layers for organic solar cellsRazali, N.T. ; Kamarudin, K. ; Inaba, S. ; Yusof, M. ; Leong, Y.W. ; Vohra, V. 
22015Triboacoustic localization for mobile device: Improving accuracy & noise clusteringLeong, Y.W. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M. 
32014Triboacoustic localization system for mobile device - Environmental effects to accuracyLeong, Y.W. ; Seki, H. ; Kamiya, Y. ; Hikizu, M.