Kumaran Palanisamy Prof. Ir. Dr.

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Kumaran Palanisamy Prof. Ir. Dr.
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Kumaran, P.
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Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12017Air assist atomization characterization of palm biodiesel through experimental investigation and CFD simulationTan, E.S. ; Anwar, M. ; Kumaran, P. ; Indra, T.M. ; Yoshikawa, K. 
22014Combustion characteristics of improved biodiesel in diffusion burnerKumaran, P. ; Gopinathan, M. ; Kantharrajan, S. 
32016Evaluating the Effect of Syngas Composition on Micro gas turbine PerformanceFareeza, N. ; Tan, E.S. ; Kumaran, P. ; Indra, T.M. ; Fadzilah, N. ; Yoshikawa, K. 
42016Influence of Continuous Flow Microwave Pre-Treatment on Anaerobic Digestion of Secondary Thickened Sludge for Sustainable Energy Recovery in Sewage Treatment PlantHephzibah, D. ; Kumaran, P. ; Saifuddin, N.M. 
52017Performance and emission characteristics of micro gas turbine engine fuelled with bioethanol-diesel-biodiesel blendsSaifuddin, N. ; Refal, H. ; Kumaran, P. 
62014Potential of microalgae Tetraselmis Chuii as feedstock for biodiesel applicationKumaran, P. ; Saifuddin, N. ; Janarthanan, S. 
72013Preliminary evaluation of atomization characteristics of improved biodiesel for gas turbine applicationKumaran, P. ; Gopinathan, M. ; Razali, N.M. ; Kuperjans, I. ; Hariffin, B. ; Hamdan, H. 
82013Preliminary experimental results of Sewage Sludge (SS) Co-digestion with Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) for Enhanced Biogas Production in Laboratory Scale Anaerobic DigesterSivasankari, R. ; Kumaran, P. ; Normanbhay, S. ; Shamsuddin, A.H. 
92016The Production of Biodiesel and Bio-kerosene from Coconut Oil Using Microwave Assisted ReactionSaifuddin, N. ; Siti Fazlili, A. ; Kumaran, P. ; Pei-Jua, N. ; Priathashini, P. 
102014Rapid purification of glycerol by-product from biodiesel production through combined process of microwave assisted acidification and adsorption via chitosan immobilized with yeastSaifuddin, N. ; Refal, H. ; Kumaran, P. 
112016A review on industrial scale anaerobic digestion systems deployment in Malaysia: Opportunities and challengesKumaran, P. ; Hephzibah, D. ; Sivasankari, R. ; Saifuddin, N. ; Shamsuddin, A.H.