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Kok Cheng Lim
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Lim, K.C.
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Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12015Interaction testing for an ad-hoc system (queue management system)Ramli, R. ; Mohamed Zabil, M.H. ; Lim, K.C. ; Yusoff, Y. ; Yusuff, M.S. 
22012Link performance enhancement for image transmission with FEC in Wireless Sensor NetworksYap, D.F.W. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Koh, J. ; Andito, D.P. ; Lim, K.C. ; Yeo, W.K. 
32018Pre-processing of gender-based comparative usability performance data in Mobile Augmented Reality English language teachingLim, K.C. ; Selamat, A. ; Ghani, N.A.M. ; Zabil, M.H.M. ; Alias, R.A. ; Puteh, F. 
42008Virtual reality musical museumZolkifly, I.A. ; Lim, K.C. ; Sabot, Z.A.