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Boosroh, M.H.
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Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12004Safety of nuclear reactors part A: Unsteady state temperature history mathematical modelEl-Shayeb, M. ; Yusoff, M.Z. ; Boosroh, M.H. ; Bondok, A. ; Ideris, F. ; Hassan, S.H.A. 
22013Production and comparative fuel properties of biodiesel from non-edible oils: Jatropha curcas, Sterculia foetida and Ceiba pentandraOng, H.C. ; Silitonga, A.S. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Chong, W.T. ; Boosroh, M.H. 
32013Overview properties of biodiesel diesel blends from edible and non-edible feedstockSilitonga, A.S. ; Masjuki, H.H. ; Mahlia, T.M.I. ; Ong, H.C. ; Chong, W.T. ; Boosroh, M.H. 
42009Numerical investigations on the effects of high temperature air combustion in a coal-powered boilerAbdul Majid, M.A.N. ; Shuaib, N.H. ; Hasini, H. ; Boosroh, M.H. 
52003Modeling on the effect of imbalance burner pressure and mass flow rate in a full-scale gas fired industrial boilerHasini, H. ; Yusoff, M.Z. ; Majid, K.A. ; Ramli, M.R. ; Hassan, H. ; Hussein, I. ; Boosroh, M.H. 
62009Impact of tangential burner firing angle on combustion characteristics of large scale coal-fired boilerRazali, N.M. ; Boosroh, M.H. ; Hasini, H. ; Shuaib, N.H.