Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari Prof. Ir. Dr.

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Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari Prof. Ir. Dr.
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Sahari, K.S.M.
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Results 21-30 of 33 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212017Novel design for PIG to eliminate the effect of hydraulic transients in oil and gas pipelinesMazreah, A.A. ; Alnaimi, F.B.I. ; Sahari, K.S.M. 
222014Optimization of the Time of Task Scheduling for Dual Manipulators using a Modified Electromagnetism-Like Algorithm and Genetic AlgorithmAbed, I.A. ; Koh, S.P. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Jagadeesh, P. ; Tiong, S.K. 
232017A practical multi-objective design approach for optimum exhaust heat recovery from hybrid stand-alone PV-diesel power systemsYousefi, M. ; Kim, J.H. ; Hooshyar, D. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Ahmad, R.B. 
242018Real-time modeling and parameter approximation of dexterous garment folding by robotYew, C.H. ; Sahari, K.S.M. 
252012A review: Hybrid locomotion of in-pipe inspection robotRoslin, N.S. ; Anuar, A. ; Jalal, M.F.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. 
262012Robot for boiler header inspection "LS-01"Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Saad, J.M. ; Anuar, A. ; Ismail, I.N. ; Maisurah, N. ; Basri, H. ; Roslin, N.S. ; Mohideen, S.S.K. ; Jalal, M.F.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. 
272012RS-485 interface for Boiler Header Inspection Robot prototypeBasri, N.M.H. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Mohideen, S.S.K. ; Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Anuar, A. 
282014Solving the inverse kinematics for robot manipulators using modified electromagnetism-like algorithm with record to record travelAbed, I.A. ; Koh, S.P. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Tan, N.M.L. 
292018UAV actuator fault detection through artificial intelligent techniqueSahwee, Z. ; Mahmood, A.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. 
302017Wind tunnel evaluation for control transition from elevator to stabilator of small UAVSahwee, Z. ; Mahmood, A.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M.