Lariyah Mohd Sidek Datin Prof. Ir. Dr.

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Lariyah Mohd Sidek Datin Prof. Ir. Dr.
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Sidek, L.M.
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Results 1-19 of 50 (Search time: 0.016 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12013Used cooking oil as a green chemical admixture in concreteSalmia, B. ; Muda, Z.C. ; Alam, M.A. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Hidayah, B. 
22016Urban Stormwater Management Model and Tools for Designing Stormwater Management of Green Infrastructure PracticesHaris, H. ; Chow, M.F. ; Usman, F. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Roseli, Z.A. ; Norlida, M.D. 
32016Time series analysis of river water quality data from a tropical urban catchmentChow, M.F. ; Haris, H. ; Sidek, L.M. 
42016The performance of gross pollutant trap for water quality preservation: a real practical application at the Klang Valley, MalaysiaSidek, L. ; Basri, H. ; Lee, L.K. ; Foo, K.Y. 
52013Sustainability of hydropower as source of renewable and clean energyLuis, J. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Desa, M.N.M. ; Julien, P.Y. 
62013Stormwater quality modeling for upscaling MSMA stormwater management ecohydrologySidek, L.M. ; Abidin, M.R.Z. ; Esfahani, F.Z. ; Basri, H. 
72005Storm water treatment using bio-ecological drainage systemAyub, K.R. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Ainan, A. ; Zakaria, N.A. ; Ghani, A.A. ; Rozi, A. 
82013Stage discharge curve for Guillemard Bridge streamflow sation based on rating curve method using historical flood event dataRos, F.C. ; Tosaka, H. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Desa, M.N. ; Arifin, K. 
92013Simulation of breach outflow for earthfill damRazad, A.Z.A. ; Muda, R.S. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Azia, I.S.A. ; Mansor, F.H. ; Yalit, R. 
102009Review study and assessment for sedimentation models applied to impounding reservoirsAbood, M.M. ; Mohammed, T.A. ; Ghazali, A.H. ; Mahmud, A.R. ; Sidek, L.M. 
112013Probable maximum precipitation (PMP) over mountainous region of cameron highlands-batang padang catchment of MalaysiaSidek, L.M. ; Nor, M.D.M. ; Rakhecha, P.R. ; Basri, H. ; Jayothisa, W. ; Muda, R.S. ; Ahmad, M.N. ; Razad, A.Z.A. 
122014Preliminary investigation and design considerations for the rehabilitation of trash screen at jor reservoir low level outletJansen, L. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Julien, P.Y. 
132016Prediction of Surface Flow by Forcing of Climate Forecast System Reanalysis DataJajarmizadeh, M. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Mirzai, M. ; Alaghmand, S. ; Harun, S. ; Majid, M.R. 
142016Potential of engineered biomedia for the innovative purification of contaminated river waterSidek, L. ; Mohiyaden, H.A. ; Lee, L.K. ; Foo, K.Y. 
152009Potential of electronic plastic waste as a source of raw material and energy recoveryOthman, N. ; Basri, N.E.A. ; Yunus, M.N.M. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Othman, N.A. 
162014Mobile application for field knowledge data of urban river catchment decision support systemUsman, F. ; Omar, R.C. ; Sidek, L.M. 
172012Knowledge-based expert system for stormwater management in MalaysiaAl-Ani, I.A.R. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Desa, M.M.N. ; Ahmad Basri, N.E. 
182016Introduction of an Emergency Response Plan for flood loading of Sultan Abu Bakar Dam in MalaysiaMd Said, N.F. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Basri, H. ; Muda, R.S. ; Razad, A.Z.A. 
192015Integrated flood analysis system (IFAS) for Kelantan river basinHafiz, I. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Basri, H. ; Fukami, K. ; Hanapi, M.N. ; Livia, L. ; Jaafar, A.S.