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Nazaruddin Abdul Rahman
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Rahman, N.A.
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Nazaruddin Abdul Rahman
Nazaruddin Abdul Rahman
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Results 21-40 of 40 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212014In vitro characterization of novel protegrin-1 analogues against neoplastic cellsRothan, H.A. ; Mohamed, Z. ; Sasikumar, P.G. ; Reddy, K.A. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Yusof, R. 
222014Inhibitory effects of a peptide-fusion protein (Latarcin-PAP1-Thanatin) against chikungunya virusRothan, H.A. ; Bahrani, H. ; Shankar, E.M. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Yusof, R. 
232014JSPS asian core program: 7th & 8th ICCEOCA (Phase II/NICCEOCA-3 & -4), 2nd & 3rd junior ICCEOCA, and partly IUPAC asian projectIsobe, M. ; Murata, M. ; Hanashima, S. ; Nishida, A. ; Loh, T.P. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Thasana, N. ; Chittchang, M. 
242015The last and next decades of the asian core program on cutting-edge organic chemistry in asiaIsobe, M. ; Nishida, A. ; Choo, Y.-M. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Ploypradith, P. ; Ruchirawat, S. ; Lin, G.-Q. ; Li, A. ; Yao, Z.-J. ; Uang, B.-J. ; Liao, C.-C. ; Chiu, P. ; Kim, B.M. ; Loh, T.P. 
252015A magnetically recyclable heterogeneous BINOL organocatalyst for the asymmetric aldol reactionLee, Y.K. ; Tay, K.S. ; Lee, V.S. ; Rahman, N.A. 
262015Model studies on construction of the oxabicyclic [3.3.1] core of the mulberry Diels-Alder adducts morusalbanol A and 441772-64-1Tee, J.T. ; Chee, C.F. ; Buckle, M.J.C. ; Lee, V.S. ; Chong, W.L. ; Khaledi, H. ; Rahman, N.A. 
272014PASS-assisted design, synthesis and antioxidant evaluation of new butylated hydroxytoluene derivativesAriffin, A. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Yehye, W.A. ; Alhadi, A.A. ; Kadir, F.A. 
282017Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors and their analogues as adulterants of herbal and food products: analysis of the Malaysian market, 2014–16Bujang, N.B. ; Chee, C.F. ; Heh, C.H. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Buckle, M.J.C. 
292016Pyrolytic-deoxygenation of triglyceride via natural waste shell derived Ca(OH)2 nanocatalystAsikin-Mijan, N. ; Lee, H.V. ; Taufiq-Yap, Y.H. ; Juan, J.C. ; Rahman, N.A. 
302016QSAR, in silico docking and in vitro evaluation of chalcone derivatives as potential inhibitors for H1N1 virus neuraminidaseYaeghoobi, M. ; Frimayanti, N. ; Chee, C.F. ; Ikram, K.K. ; Najjar, B.O. ; Zain, S.M. ; Abdullah, Z. ; Wahab, H.A. ; Rahman, N.A. 
312016Rational design and synthesis of new, high efficiency, multipotent Schiff base-1,2,4-triazole antioxidants bearing butylated hydroxytoluene moietiesYehye, W.A. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Saad, O. ; Ariffin, A. ; Abd Hamid, S.B. ; Alhadi, A.A. ; Kadir, F.A. ; Yaeghoobi, M. ; Matlob, A.A. 
322015Scalable production of recombinant membrane active peptides and its potential as a complementary adjunct to conventional chemotherapeuticsRothan, H.A. ; Ambikabothy, J. ; Abdulrahman, A.Y. ; Bahrani, H. ; Golpich, M. ; Amini, E. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Teoh, T.C. ; Mohamed, Z. ; Yusof, R. 
332014Screening of antiviral activities in medicinal plants extracts against dengue virus using dengue NS2B-NS3 protease assayRothan, H.A. ; Zulqarnain, M. ; Ammar, Y.A. ; Tan, E.C. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Yusof, R. 
342016A Strategy toward the Biomimetic Synthesis of (±)-Morusalbanol A Pentamethyl EtherTee, J.T. ; Keane, T. ; Meijer, A.J.H.M. ; Khaledi, H. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Chee, C.F. 
352016Synthesis, biological evaluation and molecular modelling of 2′-hydroxychalcones as acetylcholinesterase inhibitorsSukumaran, S.D. ; Chee, C.F. ; Viswanathan, G. ; Buckle, M.J.C. ; Othman, R. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Chung, L.Y. 
362017The synthetic molecules YK51 and YK73 attenuate replication of dengue virus serotype 2Gan, C.S. ; Lee, Y.K. ; Heh, C.H. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Yusof, R. ; Othman, S. 
372018UAV actuator fault detection through artificial intelligent techniqueSahwee, Z. ; Mahmood, A.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M. 
382015Understanding the chemistry behind the antioxidant activities of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT): A reviewYehye, W.A. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Ariffin, A. ; Abd Hamid, S.B. ; Alhadi, A.A. ; Kadir, F.A. ; Yaeghoobi, M. 
392015A virtual screening approach for identifying plants with anti H5N1 neuraminidase activityIkram, N.K.K. ; Durrant, J.D. ; Muchtaridi, M. ; Zalaludin, A.S. ; Purwitasari, N. ; Mohamed, N. ; Rahim, A.S.A. ; Lam, C.K. ; Normi, Y.M. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Amaro, R.E. ; Wahab, H.A. 
402017Wind tunnel evaluation for control transition from elevator to stabilator of small UAVSahwee, Z. ; Mahmood, A.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Sahari, K.S.M.