Browsing by Author Zaroog O.S.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Characterization of mechanical properties on natural fibre reinforced polymer using kenaf and polyurethaneIsa M.R.; Suhaimi A.B.; Zaroog O.S.; Zahari N.M.; Sulaiman S.N.; Ismail I.N.; Mohamed H.
2019Evaluation residual stress relaxation induced by shot peening parameters and its effect on fatigue of 2024-T351 aluminum alloyAli F.S.; Omran A.A.B.; Zaroog O.S.
2019Experimental and simulation method of introducing compressive residual stress in ASTM A516 grade 70 steelIsa M.R.; Sulaiman S.N.; Zaroog O.S.